Candle Care
We strive to bring you the best product we can, and together, we can get the most out each and every candle.
Below are some of our top tips to maximise your candle and also some safety information for piece of mind.
Lighting the candle
Your candle will be pre-trimmed (we ensure all Caird wicks are trimmed to around 5mm) so no need to do anything prior to the first light.
So, to get the most out of your candle, the first burn is really important. You should let the candle achieve a full melt pool, which means the surface of the wax melts on the first burn. This will usually take between 1.5 – 2.5 hours and help the candle on it’s merry way.
If the candle isn’t given the time to melt the entire surface on the first burn, then this can lead to the tunnelling effect (this is when the candle doesn’t melt all the way to the edges).
The candle will work best if it is allowed to do it’s thing for between 1 – 2 hours at a time, but not too much longer than that.
Blowing out the candle
You may think that blowing out your candle with your breath is the most effective way… and I did too until I became a candle Nerd.
If you blow it out it can cause some of the wax to attach to the wick and then cause issues (mushrooming) in later burns. If you can, we advise the old school snuffer as the go to method of putting out the candle.
Trim your wick #trimyourwick
This is super important, and definitely worthy of a hashtag!
Before any subsequent burn the wick sized needs to be adjusted. If the wick is longer than 5mm, give it a quick trim, small scissors or nail clippers are fine for the job. Also, if the wick now has an end on it (this is called mushrooming) then just trimmed this off.
Adjusting both of these will stop the flame from becoming too large and help the candle burn at the correct speed. Happy wick happy candle.
To finish off, just a final couple of safety points:
- Only burn candles if you feel confident and understand how to use them.
- Keep candle on a level and heat resistant surface.
- Candle containers (vessels) may become hot.
- Keep candles out of reach of children and pets.
- After the candle if extinguished allow the container to cool before moving or placing any lid back on.
- Never burn candles near any other objects.
- Don’t burn candles when the wax reaches around 5mm from the base of the vessel.
- Keep candles away from draughty environments.
- If the candle starts to soot and you can see this on the vessel, extinguish the candle and allow to cool. Trim the wick and you should be good to go.
- Never move a light candle.
- Never blow out a candle with a hard blow, this can cause damage to the wick and blow hot wax around.
- Don’t sit over the cancel and inhale the scent excessively.
- Fire burns.